Website design, CMS websites and PHP programmer in Auckland

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Waimauku, Auckland, New Zealand
0800 52 87 87
027 695 7788

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StaffChecks supply pre-employment screening and background checks to employers. They run a large business utilising a range of coding solution from Utopia. Due to changes with their web hosting provider, and new versions of technology, the opportunity was taken to upgrade the code (programming language) used for their customer portal. This process was fully managed by Utopia. This included creating a development platform, upgrading, testing and deployment. The resulting platform will keep StaffChecks running for many more years without any technology surprises.

What are the benefits of updating?

Better security - The most obvious reason to update is security. Newer versions are better at countering hackers, for example, because deprecated (outdated) code is no longer supported.

Faster websites - Newer versions of coding languages like PHP are faster. PHP 8.0 is significantly faster than previous versions, and with faster execution times and less memory usage, especially WordPress sites will benefit.

New features and improvements - As with all updates, a newer version includes new features and improvements on how to do things, for example, preloading.

Do your customers have an old bespoke solution that is in need of an upgrade? Contact us today to discuss the options and how coding improvements are better for performance, features and security.