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Datacolor - e-photos

Datacolor are New Zealand’s leading school photo provider. Utopia designed, built, and continues to support, a photo ordering system for them.  Utopia originally built a fast, easy to use, ordering platform for parents. The latest addition allows parents to access copies of their children’s photos.

Datacolor have a sophisticated image production system for managing their business. It is a complete end-to-end platform with original photos taken at schools, being loaded and then digital altered for printing. The entire process is managed in-house and includes integration of additional requirements like multiple copies, order-form packs, class, and team photos. The workflow enables Utopia to access the photos and provide copies via email to parents. This is managed with validation on codes and tracking of orders. All of this is setup to run autonomously so Datacolor can continue running its business.

Do you have a client who needs workflow improvements to how they use technology in their business? Contact us today to discuss their requirements so they can get cost and efficiency savings in their business.